Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is a truly scientific study of the fingerprint patterns. This will help in understanding a great individual’s potential & personality Type. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Embryology. DMIT Test Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and Medical experts. DMIT Test has accepted by Entire world and also from renowned universities.

 Medical experts and Approved clinical experience confirmed that finger prints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential. Traditionally only IQ test is used to be a measurement tool for degree of intelligence. Now Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Using in the field of School college and educational institutions. Human resource management. Children memory Enhancements Programs. Career Guidance and Career Counseling.

Dermatoglyphics is a scientific analysis of fingerprint patterns. The term Dermatoglyphics originates from two Greek words.



Fingerprints and dermal ridge pattern are unique with each individual. Even Fingerprints are differences between similar twins also. Discover your intrinsic potential by identifying the form and various types of styles on the finger

What is Multiple Intelligence Test?

Multiple Intelligence is a scientific Method of understanding Brain Lobes and its usages

Dr. Howard Gardner introduced 9 Multiple Intelligence in his book called Frames of Mind

Every person has a minimum of 9 Multiple  Intelligence

Everybody has different ratios of Multiple Intelligence.

Anyone can discover their Inborn Multiple Intelligence from DMIT Test

Benefits of DMIT

  • Discover innate strengths and weakness
  • Enhance learning experience by identifying learning styles
  • Personalize academic and extra curriculum programs
  • Minimize time & financial commitments on courses
  • Reveal hidden talents
  • Build confidence
  • Improve family relationships
  • Make academic and career choices easier.

In terms of personal growth:

  • Strengthen interpersonal communication and interaction skills
  • Know how to appreciate people
  • Improve relations between the couple
  • Discover one’s unique gift(s)
  • Improve career
  • Enhance the sense of the value of life and happiness

In terms of education:

  • Multiple intelligence assessment for children
  • Parent-child communication and education
  • Target at talents
  • Personalized education
  • Identified one’s gifted area(s)
  • Select a major that best fit one’s desired career path
  • Define the most appropriate way of teaching and learning

For enterprises:

  • Recruitment
  • Assessment of job competency and execution style
  • Plan education and training
  • Explore the potential of employee
  • Leadership
  • Interpersonal communication and interaction
  • Consolidation of human resources

Finger prints and lobes

  • Brain Lobes can be analyzed depending on formation and amount of ridge present in the finger prints.
  • Medical experts confirmed that each person’s finger prints are unique.
  • Fingerprints demonstrate different types of characteristics, even identical twin babies also.
  • The syndication of fingerprints is recognized as represent of human brain cells.
  • Fingerprint development depends on proportion & distribution of brain lobes.
  • Children with learning difficulties will vary fingerprints in comparison to talented children’s